Kybella injections

KYBELLA® Fat Dissolver

KYBELLA® injections cause a gradual, but noticeable, reduction in submental fullness. After treatment the cells can no longer store fat, so once you have achieved the aesthetic results you are seeking, KYBELLA® treatment is no longer needed.

KYBELLA® Treatment

A double chin is a common occurrence as we age or gain weight, or even just a cause of genetics. This excess fat under the chin is known as submental fullness. KYBELLA® treatment is an FDA approved injectable treatment to break up fat molecules. This safe and effective treatment can fix your double chin and give you back a streamlined jaw without surgery. KYBELLA® is a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring salt found in human bile. This acid ruptures and destroys fat cells, which are then removed by your immunity system.

KYBELLA® Benefits

  • Jawline contouring
  • Chin fat reduction without injuring surrounding tissue
  • Non-surgical outpatient procedure, no anesthesia needed
  • Costs less than cosmetic surgery
  • Permanent results if weight maintained
  • No scars or incisions
  • No downtime
  • Minimal, short-term side effects
  • Gradual results

KYBELLA® reduces fat but has no sculpting abilities. The clinicians at The Look Lab can estimate how much fat will be lost, but cannot give you a precise amount. During your consultation, we will test the fat to confirm it is submental so the procedure will be effective. A customized treatment plan will be developed to meet your individual needs and goals. The number of sessions needed will depend on the amount of fat to be dissolved, it may require anywhere from one session to three sessions, spaced about six weeks apart.


The KYBELLA® Treatment Procedure

The practitioner at The Look Lab will transfer a grid pattern of dots onto your neck area for a treatment sitemap. Using a small needle, KYBELLA® will be injected into the fatty tissue in very small amounts following the grid pattern. Treatment sessions last about 15 to 20 minutes, with minor discomfort. There is no downtime needed since KYBELLA® pinpoints only the fat cells and avoids surrounding tissues.

What to Expect Immediately After KYBELLA® Treatment

While there is no downtime needed after a KYBELLA® treatment, some people experience redness, swelling, and tenderness or mild pain in the treated areas for up to two weeks as the fat burns away. You may take over-the-counter medications, such as Tylenol; however, avoid aspirin or NSAIDS that thin the blood and can cause complications.

KYBELLA® Treatment Results

Typically, results will be noticed within three weeks of the initial treatment. Once the desired goal is reached, sessions will end, and no further treatment is required. KYBELLA® makes it so that fat cells can no longer store excess fat. Usually, the body only creates new fat cells to replace fat cells that die naturally, so cells impacted by deoxycholic acid are not typically replaced. Results should be permanent unless you experience significant weight gain that creates new fat cells in your submental region.

When are KYBELLA® Treatments Not Recommended?
  • Double chin caused by excessive or saggy skin, not excess fat
  • Under 18 years old
  • Currently pregnant or nursing
  • Previous surgeries in area (face-lift, liposuction)


8787 E. Pinnacle Peak Rd. Suite 206 Scottsdale, AZ 85255


3545 E. Indian School Rd. Suite C Phoenix, AZ 85018


7805 Clayton Rd. Clayton, MO 63117



8787 E. Pinnacle Peak Rd. Suite 206

Scottsdale, AZ 85255


3545 E. Indian School Rd. Suite C

Phoenix, AZ 85018


7805 Clayton Rd.

Clayton, MO 63117


Tuesday-Saturday: 10am-6pm

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